Tuesday, March 19, 2013

the Makers Guild: A Creative Collective

     Sitting around a table with a group of friends is one of the great joys of life whether that table be covered with lovingly prepared food or an explosion of craft supplies. The laughter, the sense of camaraderie, and the creative release. I love to make things, lots of things, different things. I usually make them alone huddled in a corner of my studio (a.k.a. my bedroom). Many people thrive in solitude and, most of the time, I am one of them. My creative side, however, feeds on company. I love group brainstorming, problem-solving, and someone to assure me that the dark teal floss works better than the emerald green. You never know what will happen when you place a group of women (and/or men) together with a few bits of paper, glue, yarn, and the mystery contents of that bag you bought for a dollar at a church bazaar. I was tired of feeling alone in my little making bubble, especially when I knew I had so many crafty friends.
     It has long been a dream of mine to one day create a place where members of the community could come to create, to find inspiration, to give inspiration. It would have studio spaces, a shop carrying new and previously-loved supplies and ephemera , a "knook" with comfy chairs perfect for needlecraft, and a classroom. It would be a place not only for making but also for giving providing free after-school arts programs and charity sales.

     A brick-and-mortar space may still be far in the future, buy that does not mean that I could not bring a group of creative minds together to see what magic might unfold. That is what happened at the first official meeting of the Makers Guild. We started the meeting with a group craft and veggie pizza (and a little bit of wine). Six women sat down at a table and fantastic, unique, and glittery photo booth props emerged.
     After the glitter had settled, I stood nervously before friends old and newly made and pitched my idea and shared my dream of one day having that brick and mortar. To my surprise, they not only did not laugh, but they thought it was a wonderful idea. We would work together as a creative collective (as Kari Chapin says) to make this dream a reality brick by brick. So, these six women: Anna (SimplyGrace), Toni (Miss Merryheart), Mallory, Hillary, my partner in crime- Jenn, and myself, Lola (ElleVee) became the first members of the Makers Guild.

     The following few posts will introduce the members of the guild in their own unique voices. I hope you enjoy getting to know these amazing ladies as much as I have.

With love,

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