Monday, April 22, 2013


Howdy!  I’m Jenn, I’m 30 years old, and I love to create!  Whether it is painting, drawing, photography, singing or writing music on my piano, I’m in!  I love color and colorful things, which is why I never leave the house without a necklace or earrings.  My hair has probably, at some point, been every color of the rainbow, or some variation of it.  As a young girl, I wanted to “fit in”, but it was hard to find other girls who loved art and the beauty of nature, like I did.  I realized I was unique and that wasn’t something to be ashamed of, it was something to be proud of!  A weight had been lifted and I began to freely and outwardly express myself, and I’ve never stopped.  Along my journey of self-discovery, I met Lola in a high school ceramics class.  And here we are at it again: partners in creativity.  I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us!    
One of my three pups, this is Ford.  I love taking his pic cause he's such a ham!

Where did my creative spirit come from?  I grew up watching my grandmother, my mother, and my older sister creating their own unique forms of art.  Creativity was always welcome in my house.  I remember running to show my mom the latest masterpiece I’d just colored –torn out from a Disney Princess coloring book, probably.  I was always waiting to hear those three words, “Oh, how beautiful!”  I learned very early on that it wasn’t just the creating process I enjoyed, but also the sharing of my creations! 
My grandmother was a painter and a seamstress.  She was employed as a commercial artist and she donated her creative talents to her church.  I never knew my great grandmother, but she painted, sewed, and decorated as well.  I grew up surrounded with original paintings by these two women.  My mom had a successful at-home craft business in which she made wreaths, small wooden decoratives, potpourri sachets, and specialized in folk art.  I can’t forget the Christmas and Easter dresses she made for my sisters and me.  They were fine and good –except for the hideous lace that looked like giant doilies hanging from our necks.  I didn’t care too much.  I was busy concerning myself with the parakeet I got for Christmas or my chocolate Easter bunny. 
Elinor, my older sister and biggest influence, was a rebel.  She went to an all-girl catholic high school and never fit in.  Soon after, she went to Louisiana School, far from home, and I believe that’s where she found her inner self.  She came home one summer, and I idolized her as she poured her heart and soul into the making of a string necklace.  She hand-painted each bead to perfection and her creation adorned her all summer long.
Truthfully, all my creativity is thanks to God.  He put me on this earth, with its beauty and design, to inspire and lift me up.  He placed me in an environment and in a family where my creativity could be nurtured and matured.  And one of the best gifts he has graciously given me is my creative spirit.  I do believe He orchestrated events to bring Lola and I together again, so that we may continue using the gifts He has given us.  So, Thank You God!

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